Sunday, 19 July 2015

Later Crusader v Medieval German DBM Game Today

Last Tournament Pool 2 DBM Game

Peter H at Essex Warriors was in 3rd place on 80 VP with Peter K leading the pool on 93 VP after playing the last of his games so Peter H opted to gamble his 16 VP BYE score in an attempt to win big and overtake Peter K.

I ended up invading and opted to place three areas of Boggy RGo to prevent Peter from placing any ambushes in them. As it turned out the terrain placement wasnt that helpful to Peter and only marginally more so to me.

I knew Peter had a lot of knights, cavalry and light horse but didnt know his army organisation. I opted to use my superior manoeuvrability of my Military Order commands by deploying them both on one flank with the Crusader CinC to the left. 
I have previously blogged about the OOB for the Later Crusaders and its under the Sun 7th June 2015 date.

I invaded and pushed forward my CinC to get in as quickly as possible with my Irr Kn F against his mixed line of bowmen and spearmen. My right flank Military Order command attempted to push round his far left flank of LH F.

Peters ally turned out to be unreliable and remained so for three of his turns. He shot a couple of my knights back in recoil before I hit them frontally. I lost one to combat but also killed a file of spearmen creating a break in his line. My casualty count was slowly rising as my knights waded in to his infantry line taking two elements off for everyone I was losing.

Peters ally came on side and he attempted to filter it towards my baggage but was starved of PIP's. I slowly advanced my Irr Sp I forward in an attempt to protect the now threatened knights when Peter threw two Cav in from his Sub Gen command at my end pair and lost to a recoil. This placed the losing Cv just in front of the end DBE Kn element at an oblique angle less than a base depth away.I pushed my spears forward to hit this Cv element overlapped and recoiled it into the DBE Kn destroying all three elements meaning I had taken haif the commands D count in one combat.

Meanwhile in the centre I was only one element away from breaking his CinC's command and to my surprise his whole army because Peter had organised his army as follows:

Command 1: CinC 29 E/ 27.5 EE/ 9.5 D
Command 2: Reg Sub 20 E/ 17.5 EE/ 6 D
Command 3 Ally Gen 7 E/ 7 EE/ 3 D
Army 56 E/ 52 EE/ 26 B

The combat swung back and forth three three bounds with Peter just managing to hold on. During this time span I filtered my Mil Order foot crossbowmen in front of his warwagon protecting the end of his line and managed to destroy it to bow fire which gave me the last element required to break his army.

The final score was 10-0 which when converted to the BHGS score system we were using for the tournament gave me a 31-1 win.

I had lost a total of four Irr Kn F in the centre and the CinC's command single handedly won me the game except for the contribution the crossbowmen had made. Had Peter held on for another pair of bounds I think his luck would have run out as there were at least 3 infantry elements at risk of losing when I won.

Below is a sequence of pictures I took through the game to try and illustrate what I have written above. The game only took less than two hours to complete which surprised me as I had honestly expected him to just run me over off the table top.

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