Friday 31 January 2020

Later Polish 15mm Cavalry Commission

15th C Later Polish Cavalry Painting Commission

Bob at the club has entered the Essex Warriors 2020 DBM Tournament and decided he is using Later Polish. Unfortunately he doesn't have all the correct figures in his collection and he asked me to paint up some Essex Miniatures to complete his army. Whilst I don't mind the commission he will have to wait for all 27 of the mounted figures to be done as I have not been well for the last two weeks since he gave me the figures and its only been this week that I managed to feel well enough to paint. I had the worst earache and infection I have ever had in my outer right ear. On a scale of 1 to 10 the pain was a high 8 at some stages and it wasn't very pleasant.

He gave me three batches of figures, 3 for a generals element, 12 for some knights and another 12 for some cavalry. Since the cavalry were the easiest to paint I worked on those this week and have just completed them ready to deliver to Bob on Sunday. Technically in this time frame the cavalry are termed Czeladz and should be armed with a lance and crossbow after 1400 AD. 

The castings provided were from Essex Miniatures EMED range codes 14, 15 & 16.
As with most Essex castings they were fairly clean and required very little flash and casting flow tags removal. Bob will base them himself so I just ensured that the horses bases were painted green to hide any bare metal after they are based up. I liked painting these castings as they were new to me having never purchased any before for use in my own collection. I can see plenty of potential uses for some of these castings within lots of other armies of this time frame.

All 12 cavalry together on their painting sticks.