Monday, 13 November 2017

Bit and pieces for a Patrician Commission

Asked to paint up some missing bits for a Patrician Army

Been taking a break from PLM over the last two weeks as I worked on a commission to complete a few pieces for a Patrician Roman army. Been interesting to paint figures I would not otherwise paint up.No idea on the makes or codes except that the Javelinmen are from Lurkio and some of the others are Essex. Additional figures added to the end of this blog.

Arab Client State General


Fast Knights

I have finally finished this commission. There were a pair of Roman cavalrymen and I was specifically TOLD they must have white shields so transfers can be applied. Painting guides for these troops are very suspect and its a case of Monkey See Monkey Do after being given a couple of printouts from the WWW. No idea of the make of castings, possibly Lurkio, or one of the other Italian makers. Supplied unbased so they can be matched into the army based up elements.

The last lot are not even Romans. I was asked to paint them up as Sassanids. They are a mix of Essex Miniatures from a few figure codes and I was asked to make a couple of them wearing Copper type armour.