DBM v3.4 Updates
Ancient Spanish Cavalry |
DBM 3.4 Amendments
DBM 3.4
This is a further set of minor amendments voted on by players in
2020. Of 33 suggestions put forward, the following were accepted.
Page 11
Change Points Values:
Camelry(S) from 11 to 10 AP
Camelry(X) from 9 to 5 AP
Regular Bow(S) from 7 to 6.5 AP
Irregular Bow(S) from 5 to 5.5 AP
Add a line to “Adjust for all grades
C-in-C’s or sub-general’s element, if
there is only one other non-allied Regular General in the army -5
Page 12
Terrain Choosing
In numbered paragraph 2, change:
One WW, and only if none is already
present and (if the army list book allows a BUA to his army) he positions a BUA
in contact with it. Unless it is compulsory, he can only include a WW in his
terrain selection if he dices and scores 5 or 6. A different option can be
chosen if dicing is unsuccessful.
One WW, and only if none is already
present and (if the army list book allows a BUA to his army) he positions a BUA
in contact with it. He can only include a WW in his terrain selection if he
dices and scores 4, 5 or 6 if a WW is compulsory, otherwise 5 or 6. A different
option can be chosen if dicing is unsuccessful.
Page 19
Spontaneous Advance
Add at end of section:
The first spontaneously advancing
element must if possible be one which will either end in legal contact with an
enemy element, end in a position that provides rear or overlap support for a
friendly element, or make a full move without interpenetrating another friendly
element. The second and each subsequent spontaneously moving element must be
selected according to the same criteria, until there are no more which meet
those criteria. Any subsequently selected must be the nearest to the
targeted enemy
Page 24
Change “Recoiling Elements” to:
A recoiling element moves back its
base depth to its rear without turning, or a base width if this is less.
If it meets friends facing the same direction, it may pass through to their
rear if of a type allowed to do so (and must do so if it is psiloi), otherwise
if naval it pushes back naval, if land troops any but elephants, war wagons,
baggage or naval. If it meets skirmishers facing any other way, it pushes
them back directly to its own rear unless their front edge is in contact with enemy. Other
troops not facing the same direction cannot be recoiled through or pushed
back. Elements that would be passed through or pushed back by recoiling
elephants instead flee. An element recoiling from distant shooting only
by enemy entirely behind an imaginary line extending its rear base edge, first
turns 180º. Land troops on a bridge recoiling from naval turn and flee
back to land.
An element pushed back behind a
recoiling element does not itself count as recoiling. If it meets friends
it passes through them or pushes them back in the same circumstances as if it
was recoiling.
A recoiling element is destroyed if
it starts or ends its recoil with an enemy element’s front edge in contact with
its flank or rear; or if it cannot complete its recoil move because
either: its rear corner only or rear edge meets any of; or an element that it
pushes back has its path blocked by any of:
Enemy (other than psiloi contacted on a side or rear edge or rear corner, who
immediately flee). Unless the recoiling or pushed back element that meets
enemy is psiloi, this enemy is also destroyed if contacted on a rear
corner only or a rear
edge by the recoiling or pushed back element’s rear edge, or on a rear or side
edge by its rear corner only. It
does not then count as having been destroyed in close combat.
Friends it cannot pass through and cannot push back sufficiently for the
recoiling element to complete its recoil move.
¨ Terrain it
cannot cross. (Landing troops can re-embark. A boat recoiling on a
river follows its curves.)
A PF parapet or TF, except from inside an enemy TF or unopposed at a gateway.
In each such case any pushed back
element (unless itself destroyed – see DESTROYED ELEMENTS above) is moved back
as far as the obstruction.
The pushed back element is lost if it
is pushed even partly off the table edge. The recoiling element is only
lost if it also crosses the table edge.
Note: this is not a rule change but a
Various alternatives were suggested
for depicting foot elements required to be double-based with cavalry elements
in DBMM army lists. The option with the most favourable votes was
retaining these elements as Psiloi(I), as recommended in the DBM adaptation
notes in the DBMM army list books.
A line was accidentally omitted from
DBM 3.2 and 3.3 under “Exchanging mounted and foot elements” on page 9.
The following should be added after the “Regular Cavalry” line:
Irregular Cavalry or Camelry – if (S)
or (O) as Warband (S), if (I) as Auxilia (I)
JGL 1.11.2020