Tuesday 10 August 2021

Serbian Empire Krayishnici Light Infantry

Serbian Empire Krayishnici Auxilia

The later Serbian Empire gained access to a large number of different client state nationalities as it expanded. The DBx list gives them the option to have 12 elements of Irr Ax O described as Serbian, Bosnian, Moravian or Croat Krayishnici after 1300 AD.

Having done some research I decided that the Essex Miniatures XMED7 Generic Eastern European Almughavar, shieldless javelinmen would fit the bill. The pack comes with three poses and I was lucky enough to order enough packs to ensure I had 12 of each post for this project. I still have leftover castings to paint but I might just sell them on.

Essex XMED7 Generic Eastern European Almughavar

This now brings the painting tally from 1st January to 10th August 2021 to:
491 foot, 10 artillery & 4 war drums [142 elements]
188 cavalry [61 elements]
12 Bamboo & Paper Lions [8 elements]
3 elephants [3 elements]
Plus I have rebased
32 elements of Pikes
28 elements of Archers
10 elements of Psiloi
8 elements of Horde
3 elements of misc foot
50 mounted elements


  1. Your Serbian army looks really good. Have you tried playing with it yet? Do you have a good DBM list?

  2. Just started the list process as it's a totally new army. I could have tried it out using proxy figures but the lockdown & events at EW ruined those plans. I am refining my list at 400 AP at present.
