Sunday 30 July 2017

Wallachia - Under Vlad The Impaler 4

Wallachian Army Part 4 - The Curteni Foot

As part of this years army projects I am continuing work on the Wallachians having just completed the Early Polish army. The list has a significant amount of what are termed Curteni foot. They are a mix of Archers, Crossbowmen and Handgunners. Having already ordered from Donningtons in the past I knew they had a range of Wallachians and this completes part of the order I placed back in May 2017. The figures were crisply cast and required minimal cleaning up. There was a problem with the metal used for the crossbowmen which was very hard and brittle. They have the bow arms cast vertically and they needed to be twisted horizontally before they can be painted. After the second casting snapped off at the hand holding the crossbow shaft I realised there was a problem with the metal and took a lot more care in how I rotated the bow arms to the horizontal and reinforced them using superglue and repaired the two damaged castings. I emailed Damian to let him know of the casting problem but as I only needed six castings I did not require any replacement figures.

There is very little information on how these foot figures should be painted so I used my initiative, did a Google of other people's armies and checked in the Warhammer Ancient Battles Vlad the Impaler book I currently have for sale on EBay. I decided I would produce small irregular battlegroups wearing some sort of basic uniform for a change as this is a distinctive army not often seen on the tabletop. I started the figures on Monday 24th July and they were varnished this morning ready to go into the army storage box.

Here are a series of pictures of the various groups of now completed elements.

Donnington Miniatures Originals Range Massed Curteni

Donnington Originals MOLF02 Curteni Firing Hand Gun

Donnington Originals MOLF03 Curteni Firing Crossbow 

Donnington Originals MOLF09/01/10 Curteni Firing Bow

Donnington Originals MOLF09/01/10 Curteni Firing Bow

Donnington Originals MOLF09/01/10 Curteni Firing Bow

Donnington Originals MOLF09/01/10 Curteni Firing Bow

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